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On My Way: An End of Year Reflection

An end of year reflection

Facilitator: Vannessa Misso-Veness
Vannessa Misso-Veness started out her career as an educator, focused on supporting learners through their academic journey. She has coached parents on mindful and conscious parenting, too.

“Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened.”
-Dr. Seuss

Objective: To PAUSE. BREATHE. REFLECT on the past year, and be aware of what we are looking for in the upcoming year.

End the year with a bang of inspiration, reflection and intention. This process is an invitation to welcome a gift to come together, listen and share with one another.

It is an opportunity for meaningful dialogue that can bring about personal growth and deepen your connections.

7th December 2024
10:30 am – 1:00 pm
All About You Centre

Fee: HKD650 inclusive of a gratitude bag and a plant-based lunch