Level 2 – TASSO Regressional Therapy with Sonia Samtani
Inner Child Work, Parental And Ancestral Attachments, Birth And Prenatal Traumas, Evaluated supervision.

Facilitator: Sonia Samtani
Sonia Samtani is the Founder and Managing Director of All About You. Sonia has an inherent passion to cultivate her community and its consciousness, which is reflected in her seminars, workshops and bespoke individual consultations. She is a licensed Clinical Hypnotherapist and trainer.
Regression means returning to an earlier stage. Regression therapy works on the assumption that every problem has an origin and revisiting those memories and healing them will allow you to move on. The origin may be in this current life, in the womb, in a past-life or in another dimension. This regression is about connecting to the ‘cause’, wherever that might be.
Revisiting memories from your past can be of great help. Negative experiences cause pain and this pain needs to be healed otherwise it will keep coming up in our present and future as a complaint. Going back to past experiences can help to relive and clarify them.
At All About You we offer a Diploma in Transpersonal Regression Therapies – Post Graduate Program (DTRT-PG) through EKAA and in affiliation with TASSO Institute, Holland. The program comprises of 6 modules completed within 1 year.
All modules include Mandatory Supervised Practice and Internal Assessments.
There is one written examination after the 3rd Module and a Practical Supervision by either Hans Ten Dam or Marion Boon at the end of all 6 Modules.
Online via Zoom