Relationships Made Easy Workshop with Sonia Samtani
Understanding Intimate Relationships

Facilitator: Sonia Samtani
Sonia Samtani is the Founder and Managing Director of All About You. Sonia has an inherent passion to cultivate her community and its consciousness, which is reflected in her seminars, workshops and bespoke individual consultations. She is a licensed Clinical Hypnotherapist and trainer.
Regardless of how well you know each other or how long you have been together, communication would be an essential element in your relationship – and there’s always room for more growth and understanding! As social beings, maintaining and sustaining relationships are probably the most important skills to have, especially with your partner!
The result is a deeper sensitivity for the differences in people and more intimacy in your relationships. This is exceptionally useful for romantic relationships as well as other interpersonal relationships!
Participants will:
- Discover themselves – identify characteristics that fashion their persona i.e. their passions, fears, triggers needs, and priorities
- Distinguish between the two personality types that govern behavior, and learn to communicate effectively
- Understand how to love their partner in the way they want to be loved
- Gain tools to eliminate the ‘blame game’ and accept differences with an open mind
Sonia’s workshop on relationships helps me to heal and to grow – accept what is, communicate effectively, know my fear, and love with wisdom. It was a life changing moment.