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Beliefs vs Desires

Many of us have had long-term desires which we just can’t seem to meet. Perhaps we’ve been wanting to speak confidently in public, eat healthily, become more patient, or earn more money, and yet we find that we just can’t do this. When we can’t get what we...

Is There A Logical Understanding For Illogical Behaviour?

Most of us have witnessed emotional outbursts or irrational behaviour either by ourselves or others. What I’m talking about is having an emotional reaction that seems out of your control and possibly even out of character, and when you think about it in...

Do You Control Your Destiny or Does Destiny Control You!

The question of whether something is destined and to what extent we have free choice, has been plaguing us for a long time. There are some that believe that everything is free will and choice, and others who approach astrologers believing that things are destined. If...

Everything’s Gonna be Okay!

In those overwhelming moments when money is scarce, your relationships are down in the dumps, you are stressing about your workload, or you feel alone… it’s useful to remember that EVERYTHING’S GONNA BE OKAY! This takes trusting in yourself and...

Loving Yourself is More than Going for a Massage

By now most of us have gotten that loving ourselves is not selfish, it’s necessary! Yet many of us think that the way to do it is to buy a nice bag, have a fancy dinner, or get a massage. Whilst this may be one expression of loving yourself, I invite you to consider...