There is great value in ‘the power of now’ and staying in the present, however, it’s not so easy! So many of our experiences are coloured by the past, and this is not necessarily a ‘bad’ thing if we have grown from it. Through our past...
I’m happy to see that ‘wellness’ has become the big buzzword in Hong Kong; most people around me are finding out what to eat, where to buy their organic products, how to juice, how to incorporate a fitness regime in their lifestyle and so on. While it’s great to see...
For most of us, the worst-case-scenario is something to dread. We do our best to avoid it and say to ourselves, ‘I don’t want that!’, however what we don’t realize is that in doing so we are consistently thinking about it. Anticipating and dreading the worst...
Many of us have had long-term desires which we just can’t seem to meet. Perhaps we’ve been wanting to speak confidently in public, eat healthily, become more patient, or earn more money, and yet we find that we just can’t do this. When we can’t get what we...
Most of us have witnessed emotional outbursts or irrational behaviour either by ourselves or others. What I’m talking about is having an emotional reaction that seems out of your control and possibly even out of character, and when you think about it in...