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Does Hypnotherapy Make you Act Like a Chicken?

Many people I come across still have misconceptions about Hypnotherapy and its practice. They hesitantly ask me “is it scary? Will I do things I can’t control? Will I be able to know what’s happening?” I know that these questions come from a lack of...

The Magic 30 Minutes of Your Day

Did you know that the moment before we go to bed is when we are naturally in a hypnotic state? This magic 30 minutes before you go to sleep can influence your life greatly, as this is when your conscious mind begins to move to the background and you become highly...

Is it All About Me or All About You?

We are glad to observe that nowadays people are realising the importance of self-love and engage in loving behaviours towards themselves.  We have noticed three typical responses when people do things for themselves; some feel righteous, others feel a sense of guilt...

A Different Type of Prayer

A topic that I have given recent attention to is the concept of prayer.  Many people use prayer as a means to ask for something, and thus many prayers consist of sitting at an altar and requesting “God” or the universe to make your life better by giving you more...

Acceptance is all you need to be free!

Acceptance is a topic that seems to be bubbling up at the centre, and because it is the basis of so much of our healing work I wanted to shed some light on it this month.  The foundation of all healing process requires us to give up our judgment of the past so that we...

Failure vs Rejection

The month of February tends to focus on romantic relationships, so as cliché as it is let’s talk about relationships, which is the catalyst for so much of our learning and growth! When there is a relationship conflict, many of us are triggered so we put on...