4 Sep 2019 | conscious mind
A word of warning: if you’ve discovered how to live consciously through reading, attending workshops, or meditating, it doesn’t necessarily translate into actually living consciously. Conscious living is a choice we make every moment, especially in the painful...
28 Sep 2018 | conscious mind, In the Press, mind
We all know the feeling when something small just gets to us. Maybe colleagues have gone for a drink without you, maybe you overheard an uncomplimentary comment about your new dress. Your conscious mind tells you to shrug this off, but your unconscious mind has other...
9 Jul 2018 | Beliefs, conscious mind
What do you think of when you hear the words “wellness” or “conscious living”? Usually our minds go straight to thinking balanced meals, yoga and exercise, fitness etc. It’s great that many people today are aware of wellness and are taking steps to implement various...