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Frequently Asked Questions


1) What is hypnotherapy and how does it work?

Hypnotherapy is a form of therapy that uses hypnosis to help individuals access their unconscious minds and make positive changes in their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. A hypnotic state is “focused concentration” in which you are neither fully awake nor fully asleep so people can experience detachment to external attention and to focus on inner experiences. Hypnotherapy is a natural state of consciousness in which your logical and analytical faculties are reduced sufficiently, allowing deeper levels of your subconscious mind to be utilized for your health.

Hypnotherapy induces a trance-like state to help a person achieve a heightened state of relaxation and focus, where they can release their blockages and access their inner resources. In this state, you bypass the judgment of your critical filter and the barriers of your defense mechanisms. As a result, you are more open to suggestions, and you can access files of your subconscious mind where your belief systems are stored, and make adjustments in alignment with your desired changes.

A therapist will guide you into an altered state of consciousness, take you through various processes to release your suppressed emotions and change the way you have perceived your experiences so that you are more at peace and can create more empowering belief systems. A therapist typically uses visualizations, suggestions, imagery, and breathing to make the necessary changes.

When a person is in a hypnotic state, their eyes are closed, their eyeballs roll back, they breathe deeply, and their brainwaves change from beta to alpha, to theta.

2) What are the benefits of hypnotherapy?

The hypnotic state allows a person to be more open to discussion and suggestion. There are countless other applications where it can be of great benefit including:

  • Phobias, fears, and anxiety
  • Sleep disorders
  • Depression
  • Stress
  • Grief and loss
  • Increased self-esteem
  • Weight loss
  • Stress reduction
  • Dealing with phobias and trauma
  • Pain relief
  • Public speaking
  • Improving memory
3) What does a typical hypnotherapy session at All About You look like?

During our sessions, we first aim to identify our client’s objective and gain some background on the issue. We then educate people on why they may not have reached their objective by themselves. Clients learn about how their mind works, and discover beliefs that are sabotaging them towards achieving their goal. We end with a hypnotic process that guides them to the root of their issue, here people see where their issue has started, they use breathwork to release emotional charges, and get the opportunity to reinterpret events. Client’s usually see some shift straight away after the first session. To end, we give them exercises or a tailor-made meditation that they listen to for the next few weeks.

We believe that change takes place by intervention (what we do in the session) and repetition (what the client reinforces at home). Each session takes approximately 90 minutes, and comprises of healing techniques, visualisations and exercises to release the disempowering beliefs and experiences from your subconscious mind. This journey is a partnership between the client and the therapist, and we create lasting change together.

During the therapy, the hypnotherapist speaks in a gentle, soothing tone, and describes images that create a sense of relaxation, security and well-being. The session will likely include some of the following techniques:

  • Relaxation: You will be guided by the hypnotherapist to visualize yourself in a state of peacefulness and relaxation, even when confronting a problematic behavior or the object of your fears.
  • Suggestion: Your hypnotherapist may make gentle suggestions for behavioral changes that can help you conquer your issue. For example, you may be taught to see yourself as no longer reacting during a previously phobic reaction, thus learning to trust yourself and your ability to get through the situation in reality.
  • Coping skills: You may be taught certain cognitive-behavioral coping skills that you can use when confronting fears or anxieties.
    Exploration of past experiences: You may be encouraged to talk about the first time you experienced the behavior or problem that you are trying to overcome and how you felt at that moment.
  • Visualisation: The provider also may help you visualize vivid, meaningful mental images of yourself accomplishing your goals and create positive beliefs to replace limiting beliefs.
  • Recording: people can request for a recording of the session to listen to and are advised how often to listen to the recording so that the session can be repeated going deeper into the subconscious for optimal results.

When the session is coming to an end, your hypnotherapist will gradually and comfortably increase your alertness until you are once again, wide awake and ready to leave your session. You’re fully in control when under hypnosis and do not have to take on the therapist’s suggestions if you do not want to.

4) Is hypnotherapy dangerous?
  • Hypnotherapy done by a trained hypnotherapist is an extremely safe and complementary and alternative treatment.
  • Hypnosis is a natural state of consciousness that people naturally go into when we all experience a natural shift in our conscious awareness. The trance state is essential for us as humans to operate normally and is an integral part of the learning process, in fact, we all do it for a few seconds up to 10 times an hour.
  • During sessions, the willingness and permission of the clients are paramount to even induce the hypnotic state. Therefore people cannot be forced to do anything against their will whilst under hypnosis, and they can bring themselves out of hypnosis at any time.
  • It's important to note that clients are fully in control of the hypnotic state, and they do not have to take on the therapist’s suggestions if they do not want to.
  • The only time hypnosis could prove dangerous is whilst driving or using machinery, and therefore one should not listen to a hypnotic tape under those circumstances.
  • Although it is not dangerous, hypnotherapy may not be recommended for some people with severe mental illness, and for people under heavy medication for mental illnesses. Sometimes people experience some temporary side effects including, dizziness, headache, and drowsiness, which is part of the healing process.
5) What is the difference between hypnotherapy and hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a term to describe an altered state of consciousness that people go into naturally every day, and hypnotherapy refers to doing therapy in that altered state. In other words, hypnosis refers to the state of consciousness that a person enters into during a hypnotherapy session, while hypnotherapy refers to the use of hypnosis as a therapeutic tool to help individuals overcome a variety of issues, such as anxiety, depression, chronic pain, phobias, and addictions.

6) Does hypnotherapy work?

Hypnosis and hypnotherapy are widely studied with evidence-based results that have been reported for decades.

Hypnotherapy is known to have a better success rate than other types of therapy. In 1970 a groundbreaking meta-analysis of hypnosis research studies was conducted by Alfred A. Barrios, which led to the mainstream acceptance of hypnosis as an extremely effective form of therapy. “Reportedly, hypnosis has a 93% success rate with less sessions than both behavioral and psychotherapy, according to research studies. This led researchers to believe that for changing habits, thought patterns, and actual behavior hypnosis was not only the most effective method but that it needed less time/sessions than other forms of therapy.” (Alfred A. Barrios/1970).

In a 1970 study, Dr Barrios compared 1,018 studies and articles on hypnosis, 899 articles on psychoanalytic therapy and 355 on behavioural therapy. In particular he noted the overall lasting success rates of the different therapies.

He found that hypnotherapy had a massive 93% success rate after only 6 sessions compared to only a 72% success rate with behavioral therapy (after 22 sessions on average), and only 38% success rate with psychotherapy (after an average of 600 sessions).

At All About You, we have seen people receive tremendous benefit from hypnotherapy to heal issues such as fears, phobias, allergies, alignment with life purpose, overcoming physical pain, resolving relationship issues, moving though trauma, increasing self-esteem, manifesting their dream life, and many more.

7) What does hypnotherapy help with?

Hypnotherapy can be used to address a wide range of mental, emotional and physical objectives. The objectives generally fall under the categories of issue resolution, spiritual advancement, or enhancing performance.


  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Chronic pain (management and elimination)
  • Dealing with loss
  • Phobias
  • Breaking patterns
  • Overcoming addictions
  • Moving through trauma
  • Resolving relationship conflict
  • Confusion to clarity
  • Insomnia
  • PTSD


In our centre, we also practice spiritual hypnotherapy upon request. We can help people to:

  • Find their life purpose
  • Understand the journey of life
  • Heal Allergies
  • Tackle inexplicable pains
  • Align their chakras
  • Heal their past lives


While hypnotherapy cannot teach you a sport, a subject, or an activity, it can definitely help you to remove blocks and enhance your performance, and can be used for:

  • Sports performances
  • Public speaking
  • Musical performances
  • Studying and academics
8) Is hypnotherapy mind-control?

One of the biggest misconceptions with hypnotherapy is that it is mind-control, and that you are bestowing all your power to a therapist who can “make” you say or do things beyond your control. It is actually nothing like that at all! In fact, hypnotherapy works the same way as meditation. The therapist guides you to focus intently on something, which induces a trance-like state, the body relaxes and you feel like you are in a day-dream. Your conscious mind is aware of what is going on the whole time, while the therapist makes guided suggestions to take you to the root of your issues to help you achieve your therapeutic goals. In the hypnotic state, your brainwaves turn to theta, your defenses are down, and you are more susceptible to suggestions that in your conscious state you may brush-off. The person undergoing hypnotherapy remains in complete control throughout the process.

9) What are some common misunderstandings towards doing therapy?

The biggest misconception people have about therapy is thinking that ‘something has to be wrong with you’ in order to get help. Some people still feel shame and stigma associated with therapy. It’s important to understand that everyone has parts of them that have felt limited, doubtful or constrained at times, and we can all do with enhancement. People are understanding and accepting more that life will continuously bring shadows and light, support and challenge. Seeking help from a therapist is a combination of having a tutor for a subject that you are new to, having a non-judgmental sounding board for you to understand yourself, having a supporter and cheerleader to see you through, and having a guide to give you the roadmap for your life. Seeking therapy for your mental stresses is as normal as going to the doctor for your stomach ache, or the dentist for your toothache! We all have mental stress, and there are experts who can help to relieve you from your pain, so you can move forward.

10) How does hypnotherapy at All About You help people with their mental health?

Clients attain peace by facing what they have been avoiding, moving through their resistance, processing their suppressed emotions, and accepting things they were judging. Through therapy we help clients to accept that pain is inevitable and it is okay to go through it; it builds strength and brings them wisdom. We address the fundamental beliefs and emotions that block them from feeling good about themselves, and invite them to accept who they are today so they don’t need the external validation to feel good enough. When people can feel good enough now, and still move towards their desired outcomes, the result is a sense of inner-peace and fulfilment.

11) How long does it take to see changes after a hypnotherapy session?

The length of time it takes to see changes after therapy can vary depending on a variety of factors, including the individual's specific needs and goals, the nature and severity of their issues, the type of therapy they receive, and how well they engage with the therapeutic process.

In most of our cases, individuals may see positive changes after just one session, and see ongoing improvements in subsequent sessions. We look at the frequency and intensity of the issues to measure success. Most people report a shift after the first session, while in other cases it may take longer to see significant progress. It's important to keep in mind that therapy is a process, and it may take time and effort to see drastic changes.

12) How often should I do a hypnotherapy session?

The frequency of hypnotherapy sessions can vary depending on the individual's specific needs and goals, as well as the recommendations of the hypnotherapist. In general, the frequency of sessions will depend on the nature and severity of the issue being addressed, as well as the individual's level of response to hypnosis.

For some individuals, hypnotherapy may be recommended as a short-term intervention, with sessions scheduled once a week or every other week for a period of several weeks or months. For others, longer-term therapy may be recommended, with sessions scheduled less frequently over a period of several months or even years. Our sessions normally start out with a gap of between 1-3 weeks between sessions. Once the objective is met (usually after a few sessions), our clients come once every few months for a mental health check-in session to continue their personal evolution.

13) What is the difference between RTT and Integrated Clinical Hypnotherapy?

RTT: Rapid Transformational Therapy®️ (RTT®️) combines the most beneficial hypnotherapy, psychotherapy, NLP, CBT, and neuroscience principles. It's a technique by Marisa Peer, and it uses Hypnotherapy for mainly inner child work.

The Integrated Clinical Hypnotherapy we offer, covers all of that, however we also have a spiritual element with ours, which covers past life therapy, energy entanglements, discovering your life purpose, chakras and more.

The two systems are very different.


1) What is hypnotherapy and how does it work?

Hypnotherapy is a form of therapy that uses hypnosis to help individuals access their unconscious minds and make positive changes in their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. A hypnotic state is “focused concentration” in which you are neither fully awake nor fully asleep so people can experience detachment to external attention and to focus on inner experiences. Hypnotherapy is a natural state of consciousness in which your logical and analytical faculties are reduced sufficiently, allowing deeper levels of your subconscious mind to be utilized for your health.

Hypnotherapy induces a trance-like state to help a person achieve a heightened state of relaxation and focus, where they can release their blockages and access their inner resources. In this state, you bypass the judgment of your critical filter and the barriers of your defense mechanisms. As a result, you are more open to suggestions, and you can access files of your subconscious mind where your belief systems are stored, and make adjustments in alignment with your desired changes.

A therapist will guide you into an altered state of consciousness, take you through various processes to release your suppressed emotions and change the way you have perceived your experiences so that you are more at peace and can create more empowering belief systems. A therapist typically uses visualizations, suggestions, imagery, and breathing to make the necessary changes.

When a person is in a hypnotic state, their eyes are closed, their eyeballs roll back, they breathe deeply, and their brainwaves change from beta to alpha, to theta.

2) What does a Hypnotherapist/Clinical Hypnotherapy Practitioner do?

A Clinical Hypnotherapist uses hypnosis to help individuals overcome various issues like anxiety, phobias, smoking cessation, and weight management. They induce a hypnotic state to provide therapy, suggestions, and support tailored to the client's needs, empowering them to make positive changes.

3) Is there an exam that I need to take for Hypnotherapy Training?

In order to receive a license to practice as a Hypnotherapist, you would first need to complete all 5 levels of the Training.
The next step is The Internship, Complete (heal and resolve) – 10 cases pro bono and submit all documentation using a standard format that will be provided. You are also required to submit audio-recordings of 5 of your cases.
The final step is the Interview, as once your 10 case studies are submitted to EKAA, you will take a final interview with CHII either via Skype or in person. Upon passing the interview you would receive a license to practice as a therapist.

4) Is there an age limit for the Hypnotherapy Training curriculum?

There is typically no strict age limit for hypnotherapy training. In general, as long as a person meets the educational and any other requirements set by the training program, they should be able to enroll in hypnotherapy training regardless of their age.

5) Do I need to do case studies to become a practitioner?

Yes, you need to do 10 case studies, and then submit them to EKAA. Upon passing the interview you would receive a license to practice as a therapist.

6) What is the difference between RTT and Clinical Hypnotherapy?

a. RTT: Rapid Transformational Therapy®️ (RTT®️) combines the most beneficial hypnotherapy, psychotherapy, NLP, CBT, and neuroscience principles. It's a technique by Marisa Peer, and it uses Hypnotherapy for mainly inner child work.

b. The Integrated Clinical Hypnotherapy we offer, covers all of that, however we also have a spiritual element with ours, which covers past life therapy, energy entanglements, discovering your life purpose, chakras and more.

c. The two systems are very different.

7) I would like to do the full Hypnotherapy Training All levels in 6 months. Is that possible?

Our Hypnotherapy Training Course runs over a course of 1 year, with all the levels paced out to give you ample time to process and digest all the information before moving on to the next level. However, you can choose to complete the full training in as little and as long as you like, given that you’re able to attend all the levels completely, without missing any of the training days. Please note that Level 5 only happens once in December every year. 

8) Is it possible to do Level 2 training before level 1 if you can’t attend the level 1 dates?

In order to be certified, it is imperative for participants to do all the levels. Missing Level 1 is not an option, as that is the base and foundation of the entire training. Without doing Level 1, you can not move onto any other levels. 

9) I have a prior commitment, can I leave 2 hours early from the class on Day 1? On Day 2? On Day 4?

As a new participant, we highly recommend all participants to attend the complete days of training, as missing even half hour of the course will affect your progress. However, if due to external circumstances beyond our control, you must leave early on any specific day, esp in the beginning of the training, then it’s your responsibility to catch up to the work missed and ensure you are fully caught up before the next level of training.


1) What is Tarot Reading?

Tarot reading is a way to gain insights and guidance about different aspects of a person’s life through decoding metaphorical symbols. It uses a special deck of cards called tarot cards that have pictures and symbols on them.

2) How does Tarot Reading work?

When you get a tarot reading, the reader shuffles the cards and then lays them out in a specific pattern. Each card has a meaning, and the reader interprets those meanings to give you information about your past, present, and future, or to help you understand a specific situation or question you have. The cards are not magical, but they are seen as a tool to tap into your own intuition and the wisdom of the universe. The reader combines their knowledge of the cards with their own intuition to provide you with guidance and insights.

3) How does Tarot Reading help?

Tarot readings give people guidance and a direction on how to move forward and navigate their lives with more wisdom. They can depict underlying emotions or blocks that a person may not be present to, and need to work though. Often they give people reassurance about their gut feeling being true, and a path forward that can be in alignment with their highest potential. The best way to use your reading is to see it as a guide to help you understand yourself more deeply, and make decisions from a healthy & loving mindset.

4) What Tarot is NOT?
  • It's important to remember that tarot readings are not set-in-stone predictions. They are more like suggestions or possibilities to help you make decisions and understand yourself better. The interpretation of the cards can vary depending on the reader and the context of the reading.
  • Tarot is not like an astrology reading which can predict dates and fixed events, the tarot readings are based on your state of consciousness at a particular moment, and the reading can change if you create a major shift in your thinking/ feeling.