Hypnotherapy Training Pre-Course Information
Please review our general guidelines and select the Hypnotherapy Level you are training for to read our pre-course information below.
- We will have our tables and chairs spaced apart so people are not sitting too close. We require you to wear a mask when you come in and during all break times.
- We will be doing temperature checks at the door. Our intention is to facilitate a safe and loving environment for everyone.
- Attire is casual. The temperature in the seminar room can vary considerably so make sure you bring some layers so you can add or remove jackets, sweaters etc as necessary.
- Meals: There will be a one-hour lunch break everyday and 15 minutes tea breaks every 2 hours. The venue is centrally located and there are several restaurants and cafes nearby for you to choose from.It is not mandatory to join the group for lunch, however as part of your experience we recommend having lunch together as a group to have a complete experience of total immersion.Tea, coffee and light snacks will be provided throughout the event.
- If you have paid the deposit, please bring in the remaining amount to be paid before 10 am on Day 1 so we can start on time. Should you have already registered and paid, kindly ignore the above.
- Just to remind you: Our bank details are HSBC Account No: 078-486248-001 Account Name: All About You
TO REFRESHERS: Thank you for registering with us in advance. We know that all of you are here for the full day on the dates that you mentioned, which is great as that way it does not disturb other participants. The refresher’s fee is a simple energy exchange of HKD300 per day. Kindly remember to bring your own manual and notebooks.
Hypnotherapy Level 1
- Please complete the registration form: LEVEL 1 REGISTRATION
- Before any of the training starts, we ask that you complete our [Code of Conduct Form].
- Please note that if you would like to attend the full curriculum of all 5 levels, you can convert to our package of 10% off if the full payment is complete before the end of Level 1. The package price for the full course is HKD33,165 and thus your balance payment would be HKD29,475. The deadline to convert to a package is on the last day of training at 7 pm (before the class ends).
- Course manuals, notebooks, and pens will be provided.
- Please bring a passport photo and proof of address – this is to be sent to our head office India for your certification.
Hypnotherapy Level 2
- Please complete the registration form here : LEVEL 2 REGISTRATION
- Before any of the training starts, we ask that you complete our [Code of Conduct Form].
- Course manuals, notebooks, and pens will be provided.
- Kindly go over the induction technique taught in Level 1 and be aware of the Theory of Mind.
Hypnotherapy Level 3
- Please complete the registration form here: LEVEL 3 REGISTRATION
- Before any of the training starts, we ask that you complete our [Code of Conduct Form].
- It is suggested that you familiarize yourself with EET by looking over your notes
Hypnotherapy Level 4
- Please complete the registration form here: LEVEL 4 REGISTRATION
- Before any of the training starts, we ask that you complete our [Code of Conduct Form].
- Kindly make allowances in your schedule to stay for 30 mins longer, as sometimes the individual practice sessions take longer than the time allotted.
- Please note that Friday will be a long day with LBL (life between lives) practice, which is the longest therapy we do in our entire curriculum. On that day we will be finishing late (some pairs have taken a lot of time in the past, and we generally put a cut off time at 8 pm, so please do make allowances on that day to stay late).
- As this is an intensive course, we recommend that you don’t make any plans at night so you can spend some time inwards digesting the information and therapies.
- We would recommend that you familiarize yourself with the induction script by going over it a few times. If you need to, please bring an old manual with the induction.
Hypnotherapy Level 5
- Please complete the registration form here: LEVEL 5 REGISTRATION
- Before any of the training starts, we ask that you complete our [Code of Conduct Form].
- Course manuals, notebooks, and pens will be provided.
- If you have any questions regarding cases, recording or documents, this is the time to gain full clarity on it with Yuvraj. So please come prepared with questions that you may have so you can move forward.
Level 5 (Theory)
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 494 410 030
Password: AAYMinds
- Please find attached the Level 5 theory part manual in PDF for you to refer to. Yuvraj will indicate when to refer to the manual and what section during the training. Please have this manual easily accessible for you to refer to during the training.
- Prepare a notebook and pen to take notes.
- Please ensure that you have a high-speed internet connection, and that the sound and camera on your device is working.
- Log into the meeting 5 minutes BEFORE the course starts so that you are comfortable with the platform.
- As we would like to have the maximum level of interaction, it is a requirement to have your video on throughout the training. Make sure you are showing up on video, and your video is on throughout the duration of the course.
- You will be asked to put your microphone on mute when the facilitator is speaking, and you can unmute yourself when you are sharing or have questions.
- If you have NOT used Zoom before, please take the time to download the software the night before.
- We are holding a safe space online and upholding the same values of confidentiality, care and trust, as we do in a live course. Please prepare a suitable physical space for this course so you can receive the full benefits of a safe space online, and allow others to experience the same. Ensure that you are in a private room where you can sit comfortably and you will not be disturbed for the duration of the workshop. Handle all your other tasks beforehand so your phone is not buzzing and you are alone in the space without any distractions from outside, or pets in the room. It is recommended to use your laptop or desktop over your phone so you receive a greater visual sensory experience
Level 5 (Practical)
- Kindly remember to bring your computers and head/ear phones to the centre. As this course will be online via zoom and due to close proximity. We want to avoid any echo and sound disturbance
- Notes about the Practical Part, notebooks, and pens will be provided. Please have your pdf of theory manual, should you wish to refer to it.