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Personal Development Workshops

The Meditation Experience

By now most of us would have heard of the benefits of meditation, however not as many practice meditation on a regular basis or are even aware of how to meditate.  In this short program, you will learn what meditation is all about; gain a basic scientific understanding on why people meditate; and experience getting into a meditative state easily and effortlessly.  Through practical exercises and discussions you will learn both guided meditation to cleanse and heal your body, and self-induced meditation techniques for relaxation.

Whether you are practicing meditation for curiosity, relaxation or peace of mind, you will find that it can offer you far more than you ever expected and can get you in touch with the magnitude of your inner world.  These benefits may not materialize in a couple of sessions; they slowly accumulate over a period of time as we bring the art of being present into our daily lives.

90 minutes


$350.00 HKD per person