2023 The Year For Magical Me with Jaz Goven
What do you want for yourself this wonderful, fantastic New Year of 2023?
What are you ready to allow yourself to have? To be? To accomplish?
The world is changing. Moving faster and faster with more demands being made on us to keep up with energetic and global change as well as supporting changes within ourselves and following our spiritual path.
In days gone by people like you would retreat into the priesthood, a convent, or a monastery for solitude and to focus on their inner work and life purpose. Now, however, we juggle 20 different things all at the same time, expecting ourselves to be the best Mum or Dad, Son or Daughter, Wife, Husband, or Partner, Therapist, Teacher. To have babies, hold down a job and still show up for yourself and what you want for you,
It’s hard work, isn’t it? And sometimes we feel lost, overwhelmed, taken for granted and inadequate cos it’s all just too much. This is the Old Operating System and it’s where things happen ‘to you’ you feel like a victim, taken for granted, and the outside world or person must change before you can feel good about yourself.
So, what if – this year – you gave yourself the magical gift of everything happening for you?
You transition over to the New Operating System? Where you get the lessons and the learnings and, best of all, you get to choose how to respond. The magic starts and ends with YOU.
Are you ready to make that change and allow life to be magnificent, simple, easy, and fun? What a gift to give yourself. Let 2023 be the year of magic and manifestation, a win/win experience where you are in the driver’s seat of your own life, travelling first class under your own steam for your greatest good.
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